Теми для правових досліджень штучного інтелекту
- Чи можуть алгоритми виступати в ролі суддів чи бути законодавцями?
Liebesman, Yvette Joy. The AI Author in Litigation. 69 U. Kan. L. Rev. 103 (2020)
Tsuvina, T. A.Online Courts and Online Dispute Resolution in Terms of the International Standard of Access to Justice: International Experience. 149 Probs. Legality 62 (2020)
Dremliuga, Roman; Koshel, Alexey. Can Artificial Intelligence Author Laws: A Perspective from Russia.
Ulenaers, Jasper. The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Right to a Fair Trial: Towards a Robot Judge? 11 Asian J.L. & Econ. 1 (2020)
Battelli, Ettore. Robo-Decision: Algorithms, Legal Interpretation, Predictive Justice . 40 Rev. Derecho Privado 45 (2021)
2. Використання приватних даних та штучний інтелект: чи потрібно підлаштовувати чинне законодавство під реалії з ШІ (сюди можна включити і проблеми, які виникають з розпізнавання обличь та іншими технологіями ШІ, які можуть загрожувати приватним даним)?
Selinger, Evan. The Inconsentability of Facial Surveillance. 66 Loy. L. Rev. 33 (2020)
Minssen, Timo. The EU-US Privacy Shield Regime for Cross-Border Transfers of Personal Data under the GDPR: What Are the Legal Challenges and How Might These Affect Cloud-Based Technologies, Big Data, and AI in the Medical Sector?. 4 EPLR 34 (2020)
ten Hulsen, Leonore. Open Sourcing Evidence from the Internet — The Protection of Privacy in Civilian Criminal Investigations Using OSINT (Open-Source Intelligence). 12 Amsterdam L.F. 1 (2020)
Morales Neira, Monica Lizet. Use and Disclosure of Personal Image: Approaches in Roman Law, in Colombian Law and Its Current Interaction with Artificial Intelligence . 30 Rev. Prop. Inmaterial 169 (2020).
3. Права людини і штучний інтелект (включно з дискримінаційними алгоритмами)
Sasse, William. Deepfakes and the Courtroom
Badea, Cristian-Alin. The Revolution of Artificial Intelligence in the Criminal Justice System. Argument Mining and Risk Assessment . 2020 Penalmente Relevant 122 (2020)
Nayyer, Kim P. Artificial Intelligence & Implicit Bias: With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility: Addressing the Biases Inherent in the Datasets That Drive AI Applications and Their Algorithms. 24 AALL Spectrum 14 (2019–2020)
Han, David S. Constitutional Rights and Technological Change. 54 UC Davis L. Rev. 71 (2020)
4. Відповідальність штучного інтелекту (цивільна та кримінальна).
Dremliuga, Roman; Prisekina, Natalia. The Concept of Culpability in Criminal Law and AI Systems . 13 J. Pol. & L. 256 (2020)
Landini, Sara. The Insurance Perspective on Prevention and Compensation Issues Relating to Damage Caused by Machines. 6 Italian L.J. 137 (2020)
Rachum-Twaig, Omri. Whose Robot Is It Anyway?: Liability for Artificial-Intelligence-Based Robots. 2020 U. Ill. L. Rev. 1141 (2020)
Goksu, Bekir Bera. Responsibility for Damages Caused by Artificial Intelligence. 2020.
5. Інтелектуальна власність та штучний інтелект: хто повинен мати інтелектуальні права на те, що було вироблено штучним інтелектом?
Gabison, Garry A. Platform Liability in Copyright Enforcement . 21 Colum. Sci. & Tech. L. Rev. 237 (2019–2020)
Lambrecht, Maxime. Free Speech by Design: Algorithmic Protection of Exceptions and Limitations in the Copyright DSM Directive . 11 J. Intell. Prop. Info. Tech. & Elec. Com. L. 68 (2020)
Naqvi, Zack. Artificial Intelligence, Copyright, and Copyright Infringement . 24 Marq. Intell. Prop. L. Rev. 15 (2020)
Nicolas Petit. Law and regulation of Artificial Intelligence and Robots. Conceptual Framework and normative implications. March 9 of 2017.
6. Чи повинен штучний інтелект мати права та обов’язки (загалом правовий статус ШІ).
Bogenschneider, Bret N. Will Robots Agree to Pay Taxes? Further Tax Implications of Advanced AI. 22 N.C. J.L. & Tech. 1 (2020)
Bennett, Belinda. Recognising Rights for Robots: Can We? Will We? Should We?. Law Innovation & Tech. 60 (2020)
Nicolas Petit. Law and regulation of Artificial Intelligence and Robots. Conceptual Framework and normative implications. March 9 (2017)
7. Використання ШІ в кримінальній юстиції
Badea, Cristian-Alin. The Revolution of Artificial Intelligence in the Criminal Justice System. Argument Mining and Risk Assessment . 2020 Penalmente Relevant 122 (2020)
Brenner, Michael. Constitutional Dimensions of Predictive Algorithms in Criminal Justice. 55 Harv. C.R.-C.L. L. Rev. 267 (2020)
ten Hulsen, Leonore. Open Sourcing Evidence from the Internet — The Protection of Privacy in Civilian Criminal Investigations Using OSINT (Open-Source Intelligence). 12 Amsterdam L.F. 1 (2020)