Legal Dimension of Quantum Computers

Vladyslav Vlasiuk
2 min readOct 24, 2021


основне про лігал ішюз квантумних компп’ютерів зі статті Valentin Jeutner 1(1) Morals & Machines (2021) 52–59

the remarkable potential of quantum computing will, if unchecked, also impact social power-relations in a remarkable manner

quantum imperative provides that regulators and developers must ensure that the development of quantum computers:

(1) does not create or exacerbate inequalities,
(2) does not undermine individual autonomy,
(3) does not occur without consulting those whose interests they affect.

В чому особливість квантових комп’ютерів: quantum computers will not replace classical computers. But they can perform specific tasks that classical computers cannot perform or take a very long time to execute. For example, Google has claimed that its quantum computer can resolve a mathematical problem which would take conventional computers around 10,000 years to complete in less than 4 minutes. (чому? бо всі кьюбіти рахують одночасно, кожен може бути одночасно в одному з двох станів 1–0, на відміну від послідовного процессінгу бітів)

Крім того, quantum computers output the results of their calculations in terms of probabilities

Для чого використовують квантові компи: optimize the distribution of limited resources like vaccines (quantum optimization).8 In the field of communication, quantum computers could be used to transmit information in a way that is impossible to decrypt (quantum communication).9 Quantum computers could also facilitate the simulation of molecules, in the context of medical research (quantum simulation).10 Finally, quantum sensors, which are significantly more sensitive than conventional devices, could improve the function of navigation instruments (quantum sensing).11

Людський фактор як основа створення квантового компа. The development of quantum computers does not follow a pre-determined logic. It is shaped by countless decisions of those who build and programme them. These decisions are never normatively neutral and they have long-lasting consequences.

Юридичні потреби регулювання квантового обчислення:

  1. Здатність компів взламувати шифри The most pressing legal issue concerning the application of quantum computers concerns their anticipated ability to overcome conventional encryption protocols На раз можуть впливати threatening to undermine the integrity of ‘digital signatures that protect financial transactions, secure communications, e-commerce, identity and electronic voting
  2. Стандарти побудови комп’ютера the standards conditioning the operation of quantum computers are set
  3. Допуск помилки внаслідок ймовірної природа результатів квантових обчислень developers of quantum computers and quantum algorithms must decide which margin of error they are willing to accept and which degree of probability they require before a result can be communicated as the correct one

Обмеження поширення технології квантового обчислення States have already taken first steps in this regard by adding certain quantum technologies to the list of goods whose export is controlled by the provisions of the Wassenaar Arrangement

When contemplating the regulation of quantum computers, one should, however, also keep in mind that despite their novelty, many of the issues they raise are not new




Vladyslav Vlasiuk
Vladyslav Vlasiuk

Written by Vladyslav Vlasiuk

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